“We are in business to generate solutions for a healthier and more sustainable future.”

Building a Responsible Company

Tourism is a monumental industry that can fuel or alleviate many of the environmental problems that threaten life on earth. We can no longer expect that the wild and open spaces we enjoy today will be around tomorrow if we do not make a radical change. We are convinced that informed travelers can be stewards for our environment and our communities, and that businesses can be vehicles for change. Our goal is to build a platform that will foster solutions to the environmental crisis and inspire travelers to not only do less harm, but more good.

We exist to develop tools and resources that will change how we travel the world. We believe the only way to do this, is to shift how we view and interact with the people and places we visit – to value a business for their social and environmental commitments, to favor experiences that are in balance with our natural world, to seek ways in which to be a positive impact on the planet.

Thankfully, we are not alone in this fight as there are businesses, organizations and individuals worldwide who are paving the path towards a more sustainable future. They inspire us every day and show us that if we work together, we can reduce our environmental impact and save this planet we call home.

GEOguides is a California Benefit Corporation, a new type of for-profit corporate entity, legislated in 28 states, that includes a positive impact on society and the environment in addition to profit as its legally defined goals. Embedded at the top of our corporate bylaws is our declared benefit purpose, our northern compass that drives every decision we make as a company:

“Our benefit purpose is to distribute art and geographic knowledge that encourages responsible travel and recreation, promote the conservation and preservation of our planet and its people, use business to inspire and implement solutions to environmental problems.“